
Reservoir Modeling Analog Project (RAMP) group focuses on 3D investigation of inter-well scale depositional heterogeneities in the Upper Jurassic reservoir sequences using outcrops. The primary aim of the group is to assess the impact of depositional and structural heterogeneities (facies, layer architecture & fractures) on future reservoir developments such as infill drilling and enhanced oil recovery schemes. Our research utilizes an integrated workflow of geological and geophysical investigations including behind the outcrop cores, multi-scale drone photogrammetry, hyper-spectral imaging, and near-surface behind the outcrop seismic, ground-penetrating radar (GPR) datasets (combined with traditional sedimentological measured sections and thin section petrography).


Detailed inter-well scale heterogeneities of carbonate reservoirs such as facies dimensions and layer architecture are commonly not assessed appropriately because the resolution does not exist to recognize them in the subsurface from seismic and well data. The datasets collected will provide improved input for static models and dynamic simulation of Hanifa and Arab-D reservoirs, which will contribute to assessing current reservoir behavior and decision making for future developments improving ultimate recovery.

Project: Optimizing Ultimate Recovery from Arabian Jurassic Hydrocarbon Reservoirs

The project includes:

1)    Modelling depositional architecture of the Late Jurassic Hanifa and Arab-D Fms.

2)    Testing models under different recovery scenarios.





Controls on Microbial and Oolitic Carbonate Sedimentation and Stratigraphic Cyclicity within a Mixed Carbonate Siliciclastic System: Upper Cambrian Wilberns Formation, Llano Area of Central Texas, U.S.A. 
Lehrmann, D., Droxler, A., Harris, P.M., Minzoni, M., Droxler, D., Hopson, H., Kelleher, C., Khanna, P., Lehrmann, A., Lhemann, A., Mabry, G., Mercado, L., Proctor, J., Singh, P., and Yazbek, L.
The Depositional Record. doi.org/10.1002/dep2.108 (2020)

Late Cambrian microbial build-ups, Llano Area, Central Texas : A three-phase morphological evolution.
Khanna, P., Hopson, H., Droxler, A., Droxler, D., Lehrmann, D., Kubik, B., Proctor, J., Singh, P., and Harris, P.M. 
Sedimentology. doi.org/10.1111/sed.12679  (2019)

Upscaling Lithology and Porosity Type Fractions from the Micro- to the Core-scale with Thin Section Petrography, Dual Energy CT, and Rock Typing: Creation of Diagenesis and Porosity Type Logs. 
Proctor, J., Droxler, A., Derzhi, N., Hopson, H., Harris, P.M., Khanna, P., and Lehrmann, D. 
Interpretation. doi.org/10.1190/int-2017-0187.1  (2019)

Submerged reef terraces in the Maldivian Archipelago (Indian Ocean) 
Rovere, A., Khanna, P., Bianchi, C, N., Droxler, A, W., Morri, C., Naar, D.F.
Geomorphology 317, p 218-232. (2018) 

Coralgal reef morphologies records punctuated sea level rise during last deglaciation. 
Khanna, P., Droxler, A.W., Harris, P.M., Nittrouer, J.
Nature Communications.  |DOI: 10.1038/s41467-017-00966-x  (2017) 

Conference Papers:

Improving Reservoir Quality Prediction Of Microporous Carbonates Using A Multi-Scale Geophysical Data Analysis Approach.   
Ramdani, A., Chandra, V., Finkbbeiner, T., Khanna, P., & Vahrenkamp, V.
International Petroleum Technology Conference. doi:10.2523/IPTC-19972-MS (2020)

Integrated Workflows for Characterizing Reservoir Heterogeneities with Ancient and Modern Carbonate Outcrop Analogues.  
Vahrenkamp, V., Khanna, P., Petrovic, A., Ramdani, A., Gairola, G. S., Putri, I., and Sorrentino, R. 

Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi.org/10.2118/197851-MS (2019)

Comprehensive Characterization of Arab-D Reservoir Equivalent Outcrop Well Cores from Upper Jubaila Formation, Saudi Arabia.   
Chandra, V, Ramdani, A., Finkbeiner, T., Yalcin, B., Khanna, P., and Petrovic, A. 
In 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London. doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.201901464) (2019)  

 International and KSA

 - Carl Jacquermyn (Imperial College London)

 - Abdullah Al-Mojel (Saudi Aramco)

 - Sherif Hanafy (KFUPM)



 - Hussein Hoteit                                       

Team Members

Postdoctoral Fellows

Yuri Panara

​Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Interests: Structural geology, Digital photogrammetry, Carbonate Geology, Remote sensing

Pankaj Khanna

Postdoctoral Fellow

Research Interests: Carbonate Depositional Systems, Sequence Stratigraphy, Photogrammetry, Geomorphology, Coral Reefs, Microbial Reefs, Deglaciation, Carbonate Reservoirs

PhD Students

Ahmad Ihsan Ramdani

PhD Student

Research Interests: High Resolution Reservoir Characterization, Carbonate Geology, Reservoir Modelling and Heterogenity

Gaurav Siddharth Gairola

PhD Student

Research Interests: Carbonate Reservoirs, Sequence Stratigraphy, Well logging and Seismic

Masters Students

Sebastian Patiño

MS Student

Research Interests: Reservoir Modelling and Heterogenity, Well logging and Seismic, Carbonate Reservoirs, Sequence Stratigraphy, Structural geology