Unconventional Carbonate Source Rocks & Reservoirs Group (UCSRG) is focused on investigating vertical & lateral heterogeneity in unconventional carbonate source rock/reservoir plays and its potential impact on artificial fracture propagation and productivity. We are examining source rock sequences from different places across Arabia (e.g., Jordan, Oman, KSA, Bahrain, and Kuwait). Our research mainly aims to establish in a sequence stratigraphic context and high-resolution production-scale reservoir models of source rock sequences. Our research is based on an integrated field, core, and well logs, combined with a wide variety of laboratory techniques (including petrographic, geophysical and geochemical analyses). Through this multidisciplinary approach, we also aim to deepen our understanding of the primary expulsion of hydrocarbons from these unconventional carbonate source rocks and the geological and physico-chemical processes that led to the generation and expulsion of hydrocarbons from these rocks and their different relationships to fracture development.
Using state of the art drone-based 3D photogrammetry, cores drilled behind outcrops and detailed sampling of sections the aim of our research is to study the vertical and lateral depositional and geochemical heterogeneities in unconventional source rocks from outcrop analogues. We also try to understand the impact of early hydrocarbon generation on natural fracture distribution and development, and how this may impact later on artificial stimulation. This part of the study is laboratory based. It will provide together with the results of the fieldwork an assessment of possible variations in the production behavior of unconventional reservoirs in rocks of similar origin.
The project also includes:
RWTH Aachen University, Germany
University of Oxford
GEO 2020 Core display
Organizers: Prof Volker Vahrenkamp, Dr Israa Abu-Mahfouz, Dr Thomas Finkbeiner
Website: https://geo-expo.com/conference/core-display/
Silica diagenesis promotes early primary hydrocarbon migration.
I.S. Abu-Mahfouz, J. Cartwright, E. Idiz, J.N. Hooker, S. Robinson
Geology, 48, (2020)
Genesis and role of bitumen in fracture development during early catagenesis
I.S. Abu-Mahfouz, J. Cartwright, E. Idiz, J.N. Hooker, S. Robinson, S.H.J.M. Van den Boorn
Petroleum Geoscience, 26, 4, (2019)
Fractures in mudrocks: Advances in constraining timing and understanding mechanisms
J.N. Hooker, I.S. Abu-Mahfouz, Q. Meng, J. Cartwright
Journal of Structural Geology, 125, 166-173, (2019)
Genesis of natural fracture systems in mudrocks (Upper Cretaceous-Eocene), Jordan,
I.S. Abu-Mahfouz
DPhil Thesis, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (2019)
Natural Fracture Systems in Mudrocks (Upper Cretaceous-Eocene), Jordan
I.S. Abu-Mahfouz, J. Cartwright, J.N. Hooker, M.R. Gross
The Geology of Fractured Reservoirs, The Geological Society, conference paper, (2018)
Characterization of fractured hydrocarbon reservoirs.
I.S., Abu-Mahfouz
AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90298 © 2017 AAPG Foundation 2016 Grants-in-Aid Projects, (2017)
Geo-engineering evaluation of Harrat Irbid Basaltic Rocks, Irbid District—North Jordan
I.S. Abu-Mahfouz, A. Al-Malabeh, S. Rababeh
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 9, 5, (1-11), (2016)
Petrogenesis of Irbid District Basalt Rocks (Al-Tura-Beit Ras), Northern Jordan and their Engineering Evaluation as Building and Construction Materials.
I.S. Abu-Mahfouz
M.Sc. Thesis. The Hashemite University, Jordan (2009)
Accepted conference papers:
Fracture Development in Unconventional Reservoirs and its Role in Hydrocarbon Migration and Expulsion.
I.S. Abu-Mahfouz, J. Cartwright, J., V. Vahrenkamp, T. Patzek, R. Littke
ACE 2020 Conference and Exhibition, Houston, (2020)
Natural Fractures in Unconventional Source Rock Plays: The Role of Hydrocarbon Generation & Migration in Fracture Propagation
Abu-Mahfouz, J. Cartwright, I. Idiz, V. Vahrenkamp
GEO 2020 Conference and Exhibition, Bahrain, (2020)
Conference and Workshop organization:
GEO 2020 Core display
Organizers: Prof Volker Vahrenkamp, Dr Israa Abu-Mahfouz, Dr Thomas Finkbeiner
Website: https://geo-expo.com/conference/core-display/
Team Members
Research Scientist
Research Interests: Carbonate Reservoirs, Reservoir Modelling and Heterogenity, Diagenesis, HC Migration and Maturation, Mechanical Stratigraphy, Geomechanics, Naturally-Fractured Reservoirs, Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
PhD Student
Research Interests: Source rock compositional heterogeneity, Organic & Inorganic geochemistry, Reservoir Characterization, Basin modeling, Artificial maturation, Thermal characterization, Hydrogen generation & storage
Ph.D. Student
Research Interests: Carbonate Reservoirs, Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Geomechanics, Petroleum engineering
PhD Student
Research Interests: Carbonate Reservoirs, Reservoir Modelling and Heterogenity, High Resolution Reservoir Characterization, Sequence Stratigraphy, Modern & Ancient Carbonates